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12/20/2004: "Portrait Of An Illustrator"
 Brian Swanson in the Las Vegas Neon Museum Boneyard...
Out of the studio again. This is my friend Brian. He draws really good. The wall of H's behind him is from the old Horseshoe sign in Vegas. He has told me that this picture makes him look older than he is. I don't see it, but then I think every picture of myself looks like some old man I don't know too. Happy Birthday Brian! Old man.
camera/film: Hasselblad, 150mm. Kodak T400CN
Replies: 6 have commented
Hey, I know that guy! You are right, he's an AMAZING illustrator and "observationalist". Cool shot Brooks.
dar said @ 12/21/2004 12:24 AM PST
That is a kewl shot! Hey Happy Birthday to him!
Swt GA HunnyB said @ 12/21/2004 04:49 AM PST
just out of curiosity, how does one gain access to the neon graveyard? i've seen it on tv (yeah, on csi) and always thought that when i finally get to vegas i would have to go to do some shooting.
heather said @ 12/21/2004 09:41 AM PST
Maybe Brian will chime in on this question, but I think you have to be invited. When this shot was done, Brian had a key to get in, but I think it's much harder to get in these days.
Brooks said @ 12/21/2004 09:58 AM PST
THANK YOU SO MUCH! that was the best package ever!
AmyChop said @ 12/21/2004 01:11 PM PST
wow that looks amazing. I wanna go to the boneyard. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to the boneyard. I'm jealous.
alli said @ 12/22/2004 04:14 PM PST