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12/17/2004: "Me? No Strobes?"
 Wow, I'm really digging into the old stuff now... model: Ginger makeup and hair: Yolanda Halston styling: Lisa Oliver
I'm working late shooting big ass speakers for JBL so I put this up quickly for the weekend. When I say big ass, I mean the kind that hang from the rafters of a stadium concert big. Anyway, this was a "test shoot." What is that you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Testing is when everyone (model, makeup artist, wardrobe stylist, photographer) pitches in to get new pictures for their portfolios. It was shot in Malibu, California at a house on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
minutia: The CD's in the bottom right corner are L7 - Hungry For Stink and Ministry - Psalm 69. The CD booklet in her hands is PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. camera/film: Canon EOS 1, 85mm 1.8. Kodak TMAX 400. lighting: Large french doors behind me over looking the ocean.
Replies: 7 have commented
Timur Zainutdinov said @ 12/18/2004 06:08 AM PST
Knowing what the cds are makes the photo for me. also the lollipop.
rock grrrl said @ 12/18/2004 08:07 AM PST
I just stumbled onto your photoblog here and I think you've got some great work. I'm in love with photography, I just can't take a good picture to save my life But really, these photos are superb. Oh, and your little girl? Too damn cute! My daughter is 22 months old right now too, so I'm totally in love with this age!
RockStar Mommy said @ 12/18/2004 04:26 PM PST
Willful Expose said @ 12/19/2004 08:19 AM PST
Just stopping in to say hello and to congratulate you on your recent nomination at the BoB Weblog Awards 2004.
Genuine said @ 12/19/2004 03:50 PM PST
Hello stoped in to say what great work you do. But then you no that! I think I got your link over at honey hive. Have a great week.
Joe said @ 12/20/2004 05:44 PM PST
Thanks Genuine. I don't know if I'll win (or even make the finals) but It's always nice to get the extra traffic that contests bring. Maybe I'll get some new regulars out of the deal.
Thanks everyone else for the compliments, especially the PJ fans!
Brooks said @ 12/21/2004 10:02 AM PST