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12/16/2004: "Armani Cowboy."
 I had my 20 minutes with Troy Aikman... grooming: Yolanda Halston styling: Lisa Oliver
This was done for a magazine that I won't mention because they suck. The shoot itself was fun. We got to spend the whole day on the field at Texas Stadium shooting Cowboys. Troy was the first shot and we had twenty minutes to pull it off. To someone that has never been on a photo shoot before, that may seem like a long time, but let me assure you that we were begging him to stick around for "just one more roll." He was very nice and let us do our job which was refreshing. It would have gone faster if our stylist, Lisa wouldn't have gotten into a conversation with Troy about engagement rings. Girls. She is my favorite though.
camera/film: Hasselblad, 150mm, Fuji Provia 100 lighting: One Speedotron head in a Chimera Super Pro XS light bank. The background is the natural light on the seats in the stadium at about 9:00 in the morning.
Replies: 10 have commented
Could you see about getting me MY 20 minutes with Troy? I am way overdue.
meghan said @ 12/16/2004 10:34 PM PST
Powerful blue eyes on Troy. Shame he works for FOX, haha. Wonderful composition and the lighting is amazing.
Jessyel Ty Gonzalez said @ 12/16/2004 11:29 PM PST
I just came across your site and I am amazed at your beautiful photographs. You have a serious talent keep up the good work. Oh and the Troy photo is my favorite so far.... tee hee
Rebekah said @ 12/17/2004 06:19 AM PST
I thought I might get some interesting comments from the ladies on this one. Thanks everyone.
Brooks said @ 12/17/2004 07:56 AM PST
You know the question I am going to ask... This picture wasn't the end of his career, as we know it, was it? It wasn't taken in 1999 or 2000?
This from his own website:
2000 Injuries and multiple concussions limit Aikman to 11 games. The Cowboys finish a 5-11, the club's worst record since Aikman's 1-15 rookie season.
Monday, April 9th Troy Aikman retires from football.
Wes said @ 12/17/2004 08:58 AM PST
Hel-lo! I've never been a big Aikman fan (I'm a 49ers fan, it's kind of against the law) but this is a eye-catcher, pun intended. :-)
Maura said @ 12/17/2004 11:20 AM PST
No Wes. It was in 98. I don't know how badly he played that year. If he did, It must have been my jinx. I know I show lots of old stuff here, but I've been going through a lot of it while I wait for retouched beauty shots that I've done recently.
Brooks said @ 12/17/2004 12:38 PM PST
It is so shameful how hunky I find that guy. I mean, if this were a John Hughes film, I'd be sighing over him and he'd be ignoring me while some*real* dreamboat like John Cusack was yearning for me. Or something. I don't suppose you got 20 minutes with John Cusack, by any chance? h'mmm?
rock grrrl said @ 12/17/2004 12:48 PM PST
His lips, and the little curving smile in his cheek; yum. There's nothing sexier than a strong man wearing a suit and a subtle smile.
Gorgeous. And so's the photo itself.
Kristin said @ 12/17/2004 12:56 PM PST
I'm not a football fan, but for some reason when I saw this picture he instantly looked familar.
very nice shot.. HOT HOT HOT
photojunkie said @ 12/17/2004 02:08 PM PST