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12/15/2004: "Happy Blogiversary To Me!"
 One year ago today I made my first post... model: Ting Ting makeup and hair: Karen Faye styling: Karie L. Frost client: Nailpro Magazine
I can't believe it's been a year. I started this as an experiment so that I could offer it to my web design clients, but it turned into what my wife would call an obsession. I've had over 20,000 unique visits in the last year and over 6,000 of them came in the last two and a half weeks! Thanks to everyone that comments and keeps me going. I hope the evolution of this thing into a photo blog hasn't kept any of my long time visitors away. I was struggling to find what my blog was about and since I can't write for shit, I felt that the best thing was to show what I do. Thanks again everyone.
camera/film: Hasselblad, 150mm, Fuji Astia 100F. lighting: The main light is a Profoto Ringflash with a close-up reflector converted to work with Speedotron packs. Behind the perforated metal background is a white wall lit with two Speedotron heads with red and blue gels. retouching note: The models eyes were retouched blue from brown.
Replies: 15 have commented
congratulations, happy one year!
rock grrrl said @ 12/15/2004 02:01 PM PST
late, but that picture of christopher noelker with the robot is my favorite of yours i've ever seen.
and happy birthday
AmyChop said @ 12/15/2004 02:39 PM PST
Happy Blog-day to you, Happy Blog-day to you, Happy Blog-day, dear brother, Happy Blog-day to you. Now, could you spend this next year involving yourself with the Blog community a little more...I don't feel like you've fully committed as of yet. =)
meghan said @ 12/15/2004 04:00 PM PST
Brooks, We know you can't write worth *h*t, but we forgive you! You can't help it!! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!
Wes said @ 12/15/2004 05:16 PM PST
Happy Birthday!! Here's to many more!
estella said @ 12/15/2004 08:56 PM PST
Happy 1-year! I discovered this site only very recently trogh these web blog awards, but already this a on my daily (or let's say) regular watch list.
Daniel [objective-view] said @ 12/16/2004 04:10 AM PST
happy blog birthday!
ms. lunchbreak said @ 12/16/2004 06:16 AM PST
*passes Brooks a big fat goat for eatin'*
Here! Happy Blogday!
ps, that lady up there scares the bejeezus out of me
Alli said @ 12/16/2004 08:09 AM PST
Thanks people! I hope I can keep it going. It's nice to know that some people stuck around after the blog awards. There's another blog awards coming up too so maybe I'll get some more new people. Oh, and the picture was for the October issue so I guess it's supposed to be a little scary.
Brooks said @ 12/16/2004 08:58 AM PST
Happy anniversary! Great work. Your photos are awesome. Looking forward to many more years.
Charles said @ 12/16/2004 10:31 AM PST
Man, you have some awesome photos. Beautiful work.
Müzikdüde (John) said @ 12/16/2004 11:51 AM PST
Alli blog-rolled me! Woo-hoo! I'm honored.
meghan said @ 12/16/2004 01:06 PM PST
Happy blogiversary!
Katie said @ 12/16/2004 02:32 PM PST
Happy birthday buddy!
Jessyel Ty Gonzalez said @ 12/16/2004 11:31 PM PST
Thank you.
Willful Expose said @ 12/19/2004 08:19 AM PST