Brooks Is Old Dot Com
Well, four weeks from today is my party to celebrate making it to 40. My birthday is actually on August 10, but we couldn't do it the weekend before because my best friend Jeff is going to be out of town. So, the 14th it is. I'll be posting more info here as I get it, but until then I've setup a web page that I'll be using as part of my invite plan. Yes, It is I know how web geeky that is to buy a domain name for a birthday party, but with a domain name only costing $6.95 at Hostway and free domain redirecting (I've set it up to point to a directory on, it's hard to pass up. I also chose a name that I could use for future parties as well. I'm smart that way. If I've never met you in person and we read each other's blogs and you want to come, let me know. Stalkers welcome.
posted @ 08:06 PM PST [link]
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Ghost Chair
While I'm on the subject of chairs. Can I just say that if $3300.00 were burning a hole in my pocket, I would love a Ghost Chair. Oh, my birthday is fast approaching.
posted @ 07:24 PM PST [link]
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
My Name is Brooks and I'm a Chair Geek.
Anyone who has read my Blogger profile carefully (I don't use blogger for this blog, but others) may have noticed that my AIM user name is ChairGeek. I get a lot of "whah?" from this. Let me clue you into a little bit of info about me that some of my closer friends already know. I love chairs. You heard me. Chairs. Well, not just any chairs, but well designed ones. I don't just mean chairs that are just designed to function well, but chairs that are designed to look beautiful too. Now, I can't afford many of the chairs that I love, but I still love them. My favorite all time chair was designed by Verner Panton way back in 1967. It's known simply as the Panton Chair. It was the first chair to be manufactured from a single piece of plastic and remains to this day, one of the most beautiful chairs ever designed. It hurt me just a bit to see that psycho guy in Big Brother 4 throw one around on the set before he got kicked off the show.
Anyway, now you know. I'm a chair geek and I'm proud. If you love classic furniture design and architecture, check this out. Vitra.
posted @ 09:58 AM PST [link]
Busy Busy Busy
Fifteen hour photo shoot yesterday. My back and feet hurt.
posted @ 08:30 AM PST [link]