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07/14/2004: "Busy Busy Busy"
Fifteen hour photo shoot yesterday. My back and feet hurt.
Replies: 2 have commented
In a way, I can empathize.
One solid week of rain and water seeps up through the floor in my office at work, soaking through the carpet.
Of course, my office is in the basement and there's no ventilation, thus the water becomes stagnant. Stinky! Now, my nose hairs and bronchioles hurt.
Eventually, mold and mildew started overtaking the carpet and walls. The carpet was ripped up, so I get to slip and slide on concrete while waiting on water to drain.
Jen said @ 07/14/2004 03:59 PM PST
Or slip and slide into a lawsuit.
Brooks said @ 07/14/2004 05:28 PM PST