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12/03/2004: "W"
 Although this is a very simple image, It will always have a little place in my heart...
...because it was used in a full page ad in W magazine. I've had images used in a lot of ways, but W is big. I mean it's a big publication, but it's also a large size magazine. It was nice to see it so big in a magazine ad. Again this is Kiley (pronounced keely). model: Kiley Wirtz makeup: Burke Daniel hair: Suzanne Chadwick Oh, and here is the tear sheet of the ad if you want to see how it was used.
camera/film: Hasselblad, 120mm, Fuji Provia 100 lighting: A single Speedotron head with a 12" reflector and a lightsox diffuser. There is also a table just below her waist with a large silver reflector on it to cut down the shadows a bit.
Replies: 13 have commented
Wow. I subscribe to W just because I love the ads. I'm so proud of ya kid! I'm gonna head over to the Arts Factory next week. Oh, and yeah, lets do lunch in January. I'll bring the artist bf if you bring the robot collection.
PS, Monty the hat totally WAS being a punk ass bitch, you were SO right...poor poor Frondy...
Alli said @ 12/03/2004 11:00 AM PST
I thought it was sporting of you to give the hair person credit when you don't see any hair in the photo!
codos said @ 12/03/2004 11:52 AM PST
~I love the simplicity of the shot, the xlnt skin tones...~
btezra said @ 12/03/2004 12:07 PM PST
Arts Factory... January... Robots... Got it.
Giving everyone credit is pretty common practice editorially. Often you will see a fashion layout in a magazine where the designer of the pants is listed even though it's not showing any pants. Besides, it was easier for me to copy and paste the code for the credits from an earlier post from this same shoot.
Brooks said @ 12/03/2004 05:39 PM PST
Oh, and Thanks btezra! It was for a skin care company so good skin tones were important.
Brooks said @ 12/03/2004 05:40 PM PST
Hey! Cool to see the ad we shot together!I was actually wondering if you might have any of the copies from W magazine left over?Drop me a line if you get the chance!All my best, sweet dear!!!
Kiley Wirtz said @ 12/03/2004 06:41 PM PST
I really love your photography. Taking it out of the corporate context, it loses the "push" and just IS. Without a pitch in one's face, it's almost impossible to miss the beauty in your work. Thanks.
media girl said @ 12/03/2004 08:47 PM PST
Media Girl is my new best friend. :-)
Brooks said @ 12/04/2004 11:51 AM PST
Hello, came here from your nomination in the weblog awards. Nice site and great photos. I like this shot, I've subscribed to W for years and years just for the photos/adverts.
I read somewhere you were setting up a RAID system, have you seen the Apple Xserve RAID, very nice.
Gotta go, you're site great, keep it up.
alba said @ 12/04/2004 03:47 PM PST
Okay B! Hope I got your link switched around to the right one. Sometimes I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box!
Alex said @ 12/04/2004 05:47 PM PST
Thanks for dropping by my place, Brooks. I popped over her and was pleasantly surprised -- nice clean design and gorgeous photography. Beautiful work -- super creamy. Have you ever written any photography tips and tricks articles or taught classes? I love good photography, but I'm a massive newbie at it and I'm always looking for good instruction. Thx again! Cheers.
Paul Moment said @ 12/05/2004 01:10 AM PST
Excellent work! I really enjoyed the photos on your site... and congrats on the full page ad AND the nomination!!
Charlie said @ 12/05/2004 04:37 PM PST
girl is simply lovely!
Ged said @ 12/08/2004 10:07 AM PST