The main light is a 40ft. x 10ft. Fisher Light soft box with 16? speedotron heads inside. Rental comes with it's own operator so you don't have to mess around with the huge thing yourself.
Replies: 10 have commented
SInce posting a picture of something other than a hot girl, I've moved from first place to third place. Hmmmm... I wonder what I'll post tonight.
Brooks said @ 12/03/2004 07:40 AM PST
You've got my vote!! Hang in there, you're third so far.
Riri said @ 12/03/2004 07:59 AM PST
Hot girls and hot cars -- I think you've got a fighting chance. Any hot guys for your lady-type viewers? Never know, it could shoot (no pun intended) your numbers through the roof! :-)
Maura said @ 12/03/2004 10:29 AM PST
Hot dude coming up next. After one more hot chick of course.
Brooks said @ 12/03/2004 10:38 AM PST
Post your best picture of Meghan!
P.S. Meghan didn't ask me to post this comment...
P.S.S. Really..!!
Wes said @ 12/03/2004 01:13 PM PST
hey thats my car! haha. well mine is red but it's still the same model.:-D you should shoot mine in the studio sometime... heheh.
ryan said @ 12/04/2004 03:49 AM PST
That would be cool Ryan, but for the money it would cost to shoot in the studio, you could buy that G5 you want. :-)
Brooks said @ 12/04/2004 09:33 AM PST
Art Nudes blog has now got a link to the voting and a subtle hint as to who people should vote for.
Michael B said @ 12/05/2004 10:19 AM PST
Congrats, Brooks! I just finished voting and was about to post about the nominees on my blog, but, don'tcha know, blogger's down. Again. That would never happen.
Katie said @ 12/05/2004 12:54 PM PST
Ya. I tried to post a comment on your new job post and I got nuttin. Blogger has self esteem issues.
Brooks said @ 12/05/2004 02:40 PM PST