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02/19/2005: "The Unknown Model"
Seriously, I don't remember this guys name... model: ? grooming: Yolanda Halston styling: Lisa Oliver
This was a magazine story about high tech winter jackets a few years back. I won't mention the magazine because they never paid me all the money they owed me and because of the amount and the fact that they are in a different state, it wasn't worth the hassle and money it would have taken. I'll just say that the owner was an ex-NFL star, but not one you've seen pictures of here before. Live and learn folks!
camera/film: Hasselblad ELM, 150mm. Fuji Provia 100. lighting: Two Speedotron heads with umbrellas on the white background and one Speedotron head with a 20" reflector and diffusion as the main light.
Replies: 7 have commented
Mike thought it was Willem Dafoe's kid. I thought he looked gay.
We both like jackets.
Alli said @ 02/19/2005 09:28 PM PST
That's my future ex husband! lol, sorry had to be a smart...well yanno.....
And Alli is right, he does look rather *speaking with a lisp* festive.
Shannon said @ 02/20/2005 08:13 AM PST
You know all the hot guys are gay right?
Brooks said @ 02/20/2005 12:10 PM PST
He looks Swedish to me.
FoFuSa said @ 02/21/2005 10:46 AM PST
it is the manifestation of William Dafoe's repressed gayness. TAH DAH. i figured it out. i am ready for my cookie.
sven said @ 02/21/2005 11:23 AM PST
Is that what the kids are calling it these days Sven? :-)
Brooks said @ 02/21/2005 02:32 PM PST
Hmm, I don't his name but I do know his initials are MPB... Michele's pretend boyfriend.
Does that help?
Michele said @ 02/22/2005 01:07 PM PST