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11/23/2004: "Random Stuff"
 This is my cat Sashi. She is a Gray Tabby. She is very independent. When she gets "the zoomies", her tail gets big like a raccoon.
I'm watching Lily play at home from work right now with our new iSight camera and iChat AV on our Macs. Technology is cool.
I haven't bought a new computer bag (murse) since mine was stolen a few weeks ago. I'm carrying my stuff around in a plastic zip-lock style bag.
I guess it's getting close to music list time again. December's list is going to be "Top Ten Winter Songs."
I keep hearing some people say that they think it's unfair that Ron Artest was given a stiffer penalty because of his past problems. I wonder if these same folks would ask the judge for a lesser sentence if they committed a first offense.
I'm running out of hard drive space. I have 40GB and 60GB internal drives, and 120GB, 160GB and 40GB external FireWire drives. The 160 is new, but it won't be long before I fill it. Digital photography fills up drives fast. I'm working on a RAID 1 system for archiving images onto two mirrored drives so I can keep one drive here and the other at home. I need to get that finished before disaster strikes.
That is all. Leave a comment, lurker!
Replies: 4 have commented
I hear you, it was only a couple of months ago that I was buying a 60Go HD. sigh. Now it says disk free space : 7Go. I have only pictures and PSP on it. The picture looks surreal, I didn't know at first whether it was a lizard, gator, feline or dragon. Cool!
Riri said @ 11/24/2004 06:10 AM PST
I don't really know what you were talking about with the photo-acronym-speak, but I liked the picture.
It reminds me of the grainy movies I often see in my dreams.
Kristin said @ 11/24/2004 11:08 AM PST
I think that this time you should get a Louis Vitton murse, so you and your "boob fantasy" Jessica Simpson can have something to talk about. =) That Lily's pretty cute...give her big kisses from Aunt Magoo.
meghan said @ 11/24/2004 11:55 AM PST
Eyeballs freak me out. I am now haunted, even if it is a cute kittykat...
Jennifer said @ 11/26/2004 09:58 AM PST