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11/16/2004: "High Key"
 It seems that many of my old readers don't have much to comment on now that I've been showing more work and talking less about my personal life. I'm not sure what to do about that yet. Anyway, I shot this for Dermanew a while back. I went to a big trade show in Vegas last year for the cosmetics and spa industries and saw pictures from this shoot blown up huge at their booth. It's still kinda weird, but cool, to see your images in their final usage. Many times I don't see them again after I edit them on the computer or over the light box. You can see more of my images on their web site linked above if you like. model: Kiley Wirtz makeup: Burke Daniel hair: Suzanne Chadwick
Replies: 9 have commented
I don't mind whether you show us your work or tell us about your life, both are remarkable. Keep up with both and everyone's gonna be happy. Your pictures make me feel good already, look at that radiant skin! :-)
Riri said @ 11/17/2004 05:44 AM PST
I don't have anything smart or clever or insightful to say, so I don't comment, but I enjoy it when you post work and read your blog as often as ever.
Jen said @ 11/17/2004 06:39 AM PST
(not that my comments are generally smart or clever or insightful... I'm just EVEN LESS so about photography and don't want to show off my ignorance ).
Jen said @ 11/17/2004 06:40 AM PST
Something that might be nice to hear once and awhile would be for you to explain, briefly how you determined to shoot say - this shot. What was the objective? What is the essense of the photo? We could all get some addtl. education out of this! While the model is obviously attractive, and that is used to relay what message? To me she looks relaxed, uninhibited, not a care in the world. Which I would surmize is what a spa wants to relay? Besides the fact, that if you are plain Jane, and you use the products, go to spa, you can look like this?
Wes said @ 11/17/2004 09:28 AM PST
I'm afraid my comment dyslexia will act up and I'll leave something brilliantly idiotic like "Greta Shot!".
Done it before. Oh the shame...
mark said @ 11/17/2004 08:24 PM PST
By the way, g-r-e-a-t shot. Seriously.
mark said @ 11/17/2004 08:25 PM PST
It's nice to see someone else that makes that same typo. I can't count how many times I've had to fix greta. Thanks everyone for the comments by the way. I'm trying to work it out to please everyone, including myself.
Brooks said @ 11/17/2004 09:40 PM PST
Oh! Where'd you find that old shot of me...
Megan said @ 11/20/2004 06:30 AM PST
Really fabulous. Truly. You're incredibly talented.
estella said @ 11/20/2004 11:41 AM PST