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09/21/2004: "Another music list coming soon."

It's official. The next music list will be "Top Ten Cover Songs." We will be posting the lists the morning of October 4th (always the first Mon. of the month). Anyone that wants to join in, just let me know in the comments. Just to restate one of the rules, please link to all of the other lists if you can.

Replies: 5 have commented

I couldn't remember the date to post! Thanks...

chele said @ 09/22/2004 03:55 AM PST

Oh, man. I can think of so many that I'll probably need a honorable mentions list again. I may even ad a download of one of the songs.

Brooks said @ 09/22/2004 10:30 AM PST

do you for real still not have an RSS feed! jeez.

sar said @ 09/23/2004 11:13 AM PST

I'm waiting for a good time to switch my blog over to MovableType or some other blogging software that will do it automatically. As it is, it's a pain in the ass to do it with Greymatter.

Brooks said @ 09/23/2004 12:02 PM PST

oh, and i'll be doing this one for sure.

sar said @ 09/24/2004 02:48 PM PST

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