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09/01/2004: "When Geeks Protest."
To me, THIS is funny. I have a feeling most of my friends (or people reading this) won't think it's funny, or even get it. Not that that's a bad thing. It keeps my web design business IN business. found via freakgirl
Replies: 3 have commented
That ranks up there with my rm -rf /bin/laden t-shirt. Too funny!
Jen said @ 09/01/2004 09:42 PM PST
Dude, I totally think that's funny. It scares me that I am starting to share your humor though...
meghan said @ 09/03/2004 02:06 AM PST
I suspect that even relative non-techies such as myself will have seen enough code to get the joke. Somehow, I don't think of Kerry as Mr. TechNerd, though...
Ontario Emperor said @ 09/03/2004 10:20 PM PST