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01/27/2004: "We've Got Video!"
OK, after a few tries, I finally got lily to do her new walking thing on Video. She's always aware of the camera and it's hard to get her to do things when I have a camera in my hand, but she loves her new talent so much that she didn't seem to care this time. Check it out HERE and look at the older videos on the page if you've never seen them. Pretty damned cute!
Replies: 4 have commented
Aw...I'm blogrolled...I feel special. :-)
Erin said @ 01/28/2004 01:55 PM PST
Don't mention it Erin. I never miss a post!
Brooks said @ 01/28/2004 02:50 PM PST
Maybe if you picked up some of that stuff on the floor, she might be able to walk around without falling over like her daddy after a bottle of 2 Buck Chuck!
Jeff said @ 02/02/2004 09:40 PM PST
Ahh... Obviously spoken by someone who has never taken care of a small child all day long. If you picked up every toy every time it was dropped on the floor you would be found by your wife on your hands and knees trying to make it to the couch every day.
Brooks said @ 02/02/2004 11:10 PM PST