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12/15/2003: "Wow! Is this thing on?"

Well, here it is. I actually figured out how this Greymatter blog software works and I'm on my way to offering it to my 1121 design clients. It seems like it might be a bit deep for what I need, but I'll try to dig deeper as I learn more about how the templates work. Until then you can find links to other blogs on the right. Have a nice day and don't forget to write!

my other blog: Photoblogs.org
about me
blog home
blog archives
non blogs:
brooks ayola photographer
the studio
stoney point
the lily site
1121 design
the vortex
friends and family:
fauxtoblog (my other blog)
meghan's deep thoughts
lily stories
face up blahg
mr. spiffy
63 days
alli deluxe
liars club

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